{31 Days} Back to Basics Day 24

This month I am participating
in the nester’s {31 Days} challenge.  My topic for the month is Back to
Basics.  If you would like to follow along 
youcan find all of my posts here.

Simple living is a natural partner in any “back to basics”
journey.  Now, I am not saying that the
lifestyle that I am attempting to live is simple, but there are definitely some
strategies to make life a little bit easier when making any type of green living
The first strategy would be to reduce the amount of clutter
in your life.  The less clutter in your
home and in your life, the less you need to clean and organize.  Overall, it is probably one of the best
strategies in the world for getting back to basics.  You want the freedom to make the changes
without too much of a consequence. 
Another really important step for my family is to reduce the
commitments we have outside the home. 
And no other time has that been apparent to me than this fall, when we
have had commitments just about every evening…every week.  It started out easy enough, soccer practice
once a week and a game on the weekend. 
Then we added some other commitments at church, and then there were
other kid activities that we were doing, and then we were so busy, even our weekends
were no longer relaxing.  I am sure some
people thrive while being so busy.  Me,
not so much! 
Reducing the time commitment in areas of our lives that are not as
important to us frees up time to do the things that are important to us. 
The simplicity movement definitely can help in this
area.  The less stuff we have, the less
we have to take care of, the more time we have to hang laundry outside J

Do you have any simple
living tips?  Do you follow a minimalist
mindset?  What do you do about all of the
commitments you have?

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