2025 PowerSheets Goal Planner: How to Achieve Your Goals
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Today is the release day for the 2025 PowerSheets! They are being released early this year, and I think that is why I have been so introspective lately about what 2025 will be like. I absolutely love the changes they made to the 2025 PowerSheets. One of my absolute favorite features is back! Let’s go through everything together.
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There are a few new additions to the 2025 PowerSheets as well as some old favorites that have made a reappearance. I started using the PowerSheets Goal Planner back in 2015 as a way to make progress on my goals. However, I have always been someone who sits down to reflect on the previous year and make goals. The PowerSheets allowed me to focus on what is most important, and make goals that would stick.

2025 PowerSheets: New Additions
The first new addition in the 2025 PowerSheets is the beautiful A Year of Progress, Not Perfection game board. This gives you a little roadmap for what to expect as you move through the PowerSheets Prep Work. And right after this beautiful spread is another little check list page where you can mark your progress throughout the year.

One of the other new features is the addition of QR codes in some of the different sections. As people start their goal planning, more resources are always wanted. CWM heard the needs and included extra information QR codes in the Choose Your Focus and Live it Out Sections.
In Choose Your Focus, you are looking at the different types of goals. Are the big dreams – goals without deadlines? Is it more of a finish line goal that is specific and measurable? Or is it a habit that you are trying to cultivate. The QR code gives you some great resources for building good habits. One of my favorite resources is listed, the book Atomic Habits.

In the Live it Out section, it is all about the monthly planning pages and figuring out how to write out your tending list. What is the difference between a tending list and a to-do list? How should you use the monthly calendar? What should your free CLE Category choice be?
What’s Coming Back?
You are still getting all of the amazing prep work in the 2025 PowerSheets. The step-by-step process to figure out what is most important to you – the categories of your life that you need to focus on – it is all still there. However, they have brought back a couple of pages to the prep work and quarterly refreshes that I have found so much value in over the years.

The first is the Brainstorming Your Year Ahead page. This is the first thing you do (after writing your name!) in the 2025 PowerSheets. You are writing down all of those things you have been thinking about doing, all of the life events you know are happening. Taking the time to write down some of the thoughts you have BEFORE you even start your prep work is so important, in my opinion. It helps you go into the prep work with a clean slate because you have already taken the time to brain dump all of that mental clutter. Will you work on all of these things throughout the year? Maybe, maybe not. But, it helps you start with a clean slate.

The next section that they brought back this year are the amazing mini-goal action plans. These are found within the quarterly refresh sections of the PowerSheets. These mini-goal action plans have been some of the most helpful tools for me to make progress on my goals. I have been using the PowerSheets since 2015. The one year that those mini-goal action plans were included in the quarterly refresh sections was the most successful goal year I had. The next year, when those were removed, I created my own. I am happy to see them back!

2025 PowerSheets: Monthly Sections
Within each month of the PowerSheets you start with your monthly reset page. This is a page where you map out the month ahead, take inventory of what is going on in your life, and have a chance to check in with the Cultivated Life Evaluation categories.
Then you are moving right into the monthly calendar section. This is perfect if you have a lot of time-bound goals with deadlines. It is also a great place to track benchmarks of your goals throughout the month. I know people will use this section for gratitude, as a tracker of some sort. The options are endless.
The next section is my favorite new addition from last year, and that is the Break It Down section. This gives you a chance to break down some of your goals into more manageable steps. I have used this section as a space to flesh out my monthly projects, or to see if there is a particular goal that may have steps in multiple categories (monthly/weekly/daily).

Probably one of the most important sections comes next – the tending list. The tending list is a wonderful way to break down your goals into manageable steps for the month ahead. You do not need to fill up every line, but it is also OK if you do! There is a lot of space here to figure out exactly what you need to do in order to make progress on your goals. Remember it is progress not perfection!
The final part to your 2025 PowerSheets monthly section is the Month in Review. This gives you a place to do a bit of memory keeping for the previous month. What were your favorite memories? What’s not working? Are there favorite books or podcasts that you read or listened to? What about music? Which goals are growing well? All of these are great reflection questions at the end of the month.
2025 PowerSheets: Quarterly Goals Refresh
The last section I want to chat about in the 2025 PowerSheets is the Quarterly or Seasonal Refresh section. I didn’t always think I needed a quarterly refresh. In fact, when I first started using the PowerSheets, I completely skipped these sections. I had my goals for the year, I didn’t feel the need to refresh them. But, it is such a valuable use of your time. If you haven’t read the book The 12 Week Year, I highly recommend it. It will give you amazing insight into working with 90-day goals.

Your Quarterly Refresh section starts with your Cultivated Life Evaluation. If you are looking for more help on figuring out what grade you should be giving yourself within these different life categories, the CLE Guidebook is going to be an enormous help. It takes you step by step, with extra questions, through each category so you can figure out exactly where you need to focus your time.
Then you move into a keep moving forward section. Each season has a new “try it” and “your turn” section. Then you are going to take a couple of minutes to figure out where you have seen the most grown and which goals need a bit more nourishment. This is followed by a section to refresh your goals and then the mini-goal action plans I talked about above.
Finally you move into the Routines Reset section – what are your morning and evening routines going to look like? What about the weekend? And then you get to go through and map out your week with an ideal weekly rhythm. Make sure you are realistic with this section – leave margin and transition time between your time blocks. If you need help, I have an entire workshop available in my membership community that you can find here.
Season by Season Daily & Weekly Planners
If you are looking for a planner to go with your 2025 PowerSheets, the Season by Season Daily or the Season by Season Weekly may be a perfect fit. These are planners, not goal planners. There is both a daily and a weekly version. They coordinate perfectly with the 2025 PowerSheets and give you space for a weekly reflection in order to stay consistent with your goals.
If you would like to see a full review and walkthrough of both of these planners, you can see that below.
Fresh Start Daily & Weekly Goal Planners
Maybe you aren’t ready to commit to the full year 2025 PowerSheets, or maybe you want to combine your daily and weekly planning with your goal planning. If either of those are the case, you will want to take a look at the Fresh Start Daily Goal Planner and the New Fresh Start Weekly Goal Planner.
Both of these planners are 90-day undated planners. They contain all of the same prep work as the full year PowerSheets (minus the year-specific pages) and then also include the planning pages that you would find in the Season by Season planners.
You can find a full review and walkthrough of both the Fresh Start Daily and Fresh Start Weekly Goal Planners below.
What exactly should I get?
If you aren’t entirely sure if the 2025 PowerSheets Goal Planner is for you, or if you are trying to figure out which combination of planners to get, I have an entire video walking through all of the different combinations and choices.
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