31 Days of Living a Life you Love
I have gone back and forth about jumping back into a write 31 days series. But, living a life you love is a concept that I really wanted to share more about. I want to show you how I make decisions and the types of choices I make in order to continue living a life I love. Hopefully, this series will encourage you to do the same!
Years ago, Myquillyn Smith, ran a blog challenge called write 31 days. The purpose was to write about one topic for 31 days straight. I participated many years. I was semi-successful through all of those years, but there were definitely days that I did not write. And that was totally OK. It gave me writing practice, and found me some fun friends to chat with throughout the challenge.
You can find all of my other series linked at the bottom of this post as well as all the days of this current series.
Why Living a Life you Love?
When I was considering a new 31 days challenge, I had to kind of brainstorm a lot to figure out what I wanted to write about. I have covered the gamut as far as what I find important in life, and it was kind of hard to come up with a topic that gave me enough leeway to actually write for 31 days straight. Living a life you love seemed to encompass all of what I wanted to share with you, so that is what we are going with!
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A caveat, I will be sharing a lot about what I love in life, as well as tips to figure out your own path. Does that mean that you will have all of my interests? No, absolutely not. I don’t want you to look at this series as something you need to do. But, rather, I want you to go through this series, ask yourself the questions, and figure out what is most important to you. It will be really helpful if you grab a notebook to jot down your thoughts as we go.
Don’t forget to sign up below to stay up to date with this series as well as some fun extras coming your way!
What is Living a Life you Love?
Living a life you love will mean something different to everyone. We are going to explore what it means to me to live a life you love. That will partly be me sharing the things that I love, but also spending the time to find out what you love.
This will all be done through the lens of being a wife, a mom, and a homeschooler. Those three identities shape a lot of my decision making, and probably shape yours as well. I always want my kids to foster a love of learning, and a love of reading. These are two primary goals of my own life. But, there is a greater purpose.
I want you to lean into what is most important to you. We are all a bit off the beaten path as soon as we decide to be homeschoolers. Sometimes that comes with the fear of missing out, or the comparison trap. My hope is that I will give you strategies to combat those feelings, as well as encouragement to know that the choices you are making for yourself and your family are the right ones.
My Goals for this Series
The past couple of years have felt off for me, and I’m sure they have felt off for you as well. Decision fatigue has crept back into my life. I’ve shared this many times over the past couple of years. But, it seems like I am not taking the steps to make the change that is necessary. Do you feel the same? Do you think that life is going to go back to how it was pre-2020? I know that we are all a little shell-shocked, and waiting for things to go back to “normal.” But, I think that ship has sailed, and so we need to move forward with new ideas and strategies, and maybe even new life goals.
Does that sound too doom and gloom? It doesn’t have to be. I want you to flourish in your life. You should be living a life you love, the decisions you make for yourself and your family should support that life. It doesn’t mean it will be easy, but I believe that when we move forward through this series together, we will come to a good understanding of the next step.
My goals for you through this series is to show you that it is OK to make the choices you want to make. Even if it is way off the beaten path, or not something that the public at large agrees with (take homeschooling for instance!). You (and I!) need to stop playing the waiting game. We need to take the steps necessary to make things happen.
We will work together to come up with some strategies to move forward. You don’t have to feel overwhelmed, I don’t have to feel overwhelmed. We can all take the steps to figure out what is most important to us, individually and to our families. Then, we will make a plan to implement these changes.
The Bottom Line
Creating a life you love, and then living that life, does not need to be difficult. Yes, there are always challenges involved in life – it is life. But, we are all capable of making these choices and changes if they are important to us. That is the big question – are these changes important enough to you to step outside your comfort zone? So let’s get started!

31 Days of Living a Life You Love Posts
Day 2 – How to find out what is Most Important in YOUR Life
Day 3 – How to Assess your Goals & Dreams
Day 4 – How do YOU want to Live YOUR Life?
Day 5 – How to Combat Decision Fatigue
Day 6 – How to Create a Family Purpose Statement
Day 7 – Your Guide to Successful Decision Making
Day 8 – How to Create & Use a Yes and No List
Day 9 – Time Inventory How to Guide
Day 10 – How to Create Weekly Rhythms that Matter
Day 11 – How to Create and Implement a Stellar Morning Routine
Day 12 – How to use Rhythms & Routines to Live a Life you Love
Day 13 – Finish your Time Inventory Strong